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Open art studios will return August 2016.  Please stay tuned in or join our email list to receive further updates.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is an Open Art-As-Therapy Studio?
Open studios are a place for you to explore art materials, learn new ways to create and express yourself in a creative and welcoming community environment. The reason it is termed art-as-therapy is because you are treating yourself to the therapeutic value that art making in itself can naturally provide.

How is it different from art therapy?
Art therapy is different because it is uses the art process and relationship between the art therapist and client in a very specified way to help clients achieve their goals.

What if I don't know how to make art?
Not a problem! That is part of the intention of open studios - to give you the opportunity to explore art materials and learn how to use them. A list of project ideas and a demonstration will always be provided.

How do I sign up?
Call or email the art therapist, Laura at 540-255-1458 or to sign up. You can sign up anytime up until 4:00 pm on the day of the open studio and you may sign up for multiple Thursdays.  

How much does it cost?
In order to provide art materials each week, the cost is $10 per person, with a $5 student/military/senior discount.

How do I get to the office?
The office is located on West Beverly Street in downtown Staunton in the same building as George Bowers Grocery (across from Trinity Episcopal Church). Street parking is available as well as parking around the back. Come in any entrance and the office is on the second floor in suite 205B. Please call ahead if you need to use the elevator.

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